Post #2

Oral Communication

Listening and Speaking are equally important skills to master in English Language Learning. Pupils will master English sounds through challenging and engaging tasks designed to increase their language confidence. Students ought to be involved in a range of spoken contexts, from informal expressions like talking with friends to more formal levels of expression like speeches and discourses, to guarantee that they acquire a variety of communication situations in which to apply the different communication strategies. 


Topic: Sports Around the World


The activity aims to stimulate the oral communication abilities of students. Its focus is to promote the listening and speaking skills of the students using gaming elements. Enhance your listening skills by exploring the origins of different sports. Listen to an audio presentation, take notes if needed, and play the "Froggy Jumps" game to test your comprehension. Create a sports-related avatar using Voki, record your voice answering questions about the sports mentioned, and share the Voki link. Enjoy the interactive learning experience combining listening, speaking, and creativity!

First Part: Listening. 

  • You are about to listen to a speaker talking about some sports and where these originated from. 
  • Listen to this audio carefully. You can play it as many times as you need it. You can also take notes if you consider it necessary.
  • Once you have heard the audio, let's put into practice your listening comprehension by playing the froggy jumps game.
  • In this game, you should choose the sport that matches the description you are listening to. You also have some images to help you understand which sport is referring to. 
  • Use the cursor control keys of your keyboard to make the frog jump if you are using your computer.
  • If you are on your cellphone, play on full screen and click the correct word to mark your answer. 
  • You only have 3 lives. If you lose them all, you lose the game.
  • Have fun playing and learning! 

    Second Part: Speaking.
    • Now, let's put your speaking skills into practice.  
    • First, go to Voki and create an avatar related to sports. 
    • Once you have your avatar, record your own voice answering the following questions: 
      1. Would you like to try some of the sports the speaker mentioned? 
      2. Which one was the most interesting for you? Why?
      3. Which one was the less interesting for you? Why?
    • Share the link to your Voki in the comment section. 
    Third Part: Interacting.  
    • You have finished the game and learned about some sports around the world. Share your opinions here!
    • Be free to share your ideas and thoughts in the comment section. Be always respectful!
    • You can also rate the games in this survey.  


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